
This is where you will find news about the Hobart Ward Relief Society.
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday Snippet

Our Relief Society second counselor, Sue, taught the lesson this week and the topic was prayer and what a blessing it is in our lives.
As church members prayer is a big part of our lives. On Sunday, by the time we come to Relief Society we have already participated in at least 6 prayers. Prayer builds our relationship with Heavenly Father.
Sisters Lilian, Cindy and Blanche shared their earliest experiences of prayer and in the process learnt reverence and that not all prayers are answered how we would like them to be.
Sue then went through the How What Why of prayer.
Webster's dictionary defines prayer to make a request in a humble manner; to petition God.
We pray to Heavenly Father through the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
We pray all the time Alma 34:18-27. Praying all the time improves our minds and disposition, When we are thinking negatively we can pray to Heavenly Father, and because we can only have one thought in our minds at a time the negativity will be gone. Prayer is an invitation to the lord to be with us always.
In Moses 5:8 we read "Wherefore, thou shalt do all that thou doest in the name of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore.
  • commanded to pray.
  • to give thanks
  • Spiritual growth
  • exercising faith
  • gain and maintain relationship with Heavenly Father
  • increase charity - helps us to be selfless
  • missionary experiences
  • repentance - ask for forgiveness
  • Ordinances
  • praise, love
  • Divine Help, protection, comfort, direction, answers, guidance
Be not ashamed to pray.

Sue talked about teaching children how to pray and had brought in the Missionary Flip Chart that Bishop Smith used on his mission showing new converts the steps of prayer.
1. Our Heavenly Father
2. We thank Thee
3. We ask Thee
4. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

There are many prayers that we participate in and witness.
Setting aparts
baby blessings
priesthood blessings
Fathers blessings
blessings for the sick

Elder Bednar in his talk "Ask in Faith" said that when we pray we should not only ask but do. How can I help? What can I do? One thing we can do is missionary work. We are all missionaries and our job is to find and the missionaries job is to teach. We can pray to overcome our fear and to have courage to open our mouths.
Thank you Sue for the wonderful lesson.

February Announcements
The Family Mission Plan focus this month is on prayer for missionary experiences.

11th Stake Activity
6.30pm Cornelian Bay

12th WW Leadership Training
3pm Stake Centre

12th Adults Conference Session

13th Conference Session

18th Strengthening Marriage Course begins

22nd Relief Society Family BBQ
6pm Waterworks Reserve
byo salad optional

26th Youth and Family picnic
Conningham Beach

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